Friday, August 27, 2010

finger licking good!!!

Wednesday,25 of August 2010.
6.oo p.m
-i get ready.prepairing my outfit and ask for permission from parents since they(friends) told me at the last minute.very excited at that moment :)

6.45 p.m
-in front of big food restaurant..i saw farahin then we walk together,accidentally saw pikah and wani at the stationery shop.i gestured some pens and bought it for 2.70 ringgit.pretty cheap :)

7.00 p.m
-we all gathered.some of them still didn't arrive yet.we talk and talk.i kept silent and just playing with my phones.

7.20 p.m
-dishes and beverages all over the table.the place starting to get crowded.all of my friends already on their seat..waiting for break - fasting.raisha snatch some pictures of was great :D

7.30 p.m
-i eat a lot.well,the food kind of delicious.especially the fish crumble or whatever the name is.i deep it with some sauce,it was really tasty.the soup are great too :)

7.50 p.m
-i drink a cup of tea.then,i drink again.means,i drink two friends said that im like an old-folk people.i really mad at that moment.making a fake smile just to cover my anger.

8.00 p.m
-we went to the office (jee's mother) to pray.jee mad at that times because buck said her face just like the fishes in the aquarium.that was really hilarious.before we went to the office,we said goodbye to wani because she needs to went home early as her father already in front of the restaurant.

8.2o p.m
-we finished pray.went back to the restaurant.i borrow eisqil's DSLR and took some pictures.the camera was heavy though. =,=

8.30-9.00 p.m
-i drink tea again.i ordered plain taste like pipe water.i gave it to my friends.i took some fish finger with sauce again.soo delicious.and i also playing with the camera and deleted some pictures of mine (candid) that looks like a cow.

9.00 p.m
-my big brother fetch me up.i said goodbye to everyone.i went home and turn on my laptop. :D

Monday, August 23, 2010

Away from school today!!!

Today,23th of August 2010,im absent because of illness that is,asthma.i have this illness since childhood when i was 2-4 years old,maybe.i have an allergic towards cat eventhough i like cat so much.well,i'm grateful because i manage to stand strong for years till now.the illness attack me sometimes.i can't make it to school today but thats really weird..i can online but cant go to school.well,so many excuse from me.and my class BKK were fully under controlled by syafiqah.thank you so much for taking care of it.dont misplace it because im going to stab you if that happen.

We have mathematics lesson for 2 period..i miss many subjects today,science,BM,geo and so on.hope can catch up.math we're in proccess of learning transformation and i miss it today.but hey,it doesnt have calculation(from my thoughts) and it involved counting the distance(like coordinates).teacher say it is easy..well,i believe it.about science,im sooo dead.we will learn new chapter today about dynamics.i think teacher will finished our PEKA about friction first before learning the new chapter.and i still didnt pass up my essay and so the other books.well,who cares :D

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ramadhan Begins!!!

today was a meaningful day.all muslims will beginning their 'ibadah puasa' so excited for this day.last year,i skip puasa for 3 days because of illness.i hope i dind't miss even a day on this year.well,my friends also love puasa.i didn't ask them why.and i hope my heart will open wide to do good deeds on this month and of course the other month as well.i will go to the mosque for solat terawih if i did not lazy and that,my mom cooks ikan terubuk,sambal ikan,kuah lemak nangka and some other is soo delicious.i cant wait to taste im absent because i become really dizzy.i really miss school eventhough i only absent for 2 days.i miss my friend.i miss my class.i miss all of it.but tomorrow,ill definitely make it to school.i've been left out in my class all had study the science sixth chapter,air pressure and they said it is quite soo scared of a nutshell,i hope this month will be a happy month for me.happy al-mubarak. :D

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Going smooth,going green!-by saiful baharin

do something about it,
the environment,
using full power against the greenland,
green,green and green,
soon go away,
with the rainbows inside it.

the soothing forest,
animals,so do flowers,
everything becomes one,
solve it,mix it,love it.
the green.
smooth it to become a harmony.
that's right,we can do it,
eventhough it is just us,
to help the environment,

illegal logging,
open burning,
will soon decrease,
we shall begin,
on going green,
it will increase,one day,
the colourland forest,
will soon be blue,
like the sky within us.

fairy tale on sunday!!

Im soooo freaking happy!! i even rolling on my bed suddenly!!yeah,thats happy event always happens on,my family and i are going shopping!!the word shopping,of course i would refer as "new clothes".but something's weird family were all behave normally while im the one who is being is because i really love shopping.and then,after shopping,i always imanginating on where we're going to!KFC!pizza!.everything is in my mind that time.well,on saturday,the opposite family were all busy cleaning and cooking and folding clothes and calling friends and whatsoever.but on sunday,its time to jump up high!!!SHOPPING!!SHOPPING!!new clothes everywhere at the mall.any pattern,any cutting,it is all there when shopping.going up,going down,gesturing for new look. thats my best word to describe my shopping way.i always determine in shopping.what can i say???even my beloved mother love shopping.well,time to go!!!up up in the air!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Im Being Sooo Sluggish!!

yesterday,somehow i felt a bit sluggish compared to usual day that i through.i dont know why.maybe because im fasting and it drained my mood away.i cant even concentrate in so glad that theres no science and math lessons yesterday.if not,im really going to be left behind.therefore,i try to keep distance from my friends because im really in the mood.and once more,my black ball pen is missing.dont who took it..ughhh!!.

my mom fetched me up after school because i am really tired and cant even move my limps.poor pikah walking home alone yesterday.dont worry,i'm sure today my stamina will burning through my yeah,and tomorrow,school department will be making a session for the,i must come.i dont like to come early to school for several reason.but never mind,tomorrow it'll be the way,tomorrow have sivik and i didnt complete my exercise yet!!being a student is really busy.especially matter where you run or hide,you cant avoid homeworks.i just realized,even if i delayed my homeworks,i must do it eventually.well,such a busy day for me~ :(

Monday, August 2, 2010


HAPPY WITH SOMEONE!.thats it.the best inspirational word.i really keep on with this word ever since im a primary student because this phrase always gave me light and joy throughout my life.It is just as I planned.Although,i get a little pressure sometime,ill get through it smoothly.thats what im happy about.well,talk about happy,i really enjoyed my whole life with this one bombastic word.If we want to be happy,we must figure out the source of our happiness.for example,friends,families,teachers and so on.Friends are one of the source of happiness.They are the one that truly understand our feelings compare to parents and teachers.i really glad that i have a full support and encouragement from my friends.thanks guys!!!the conflict that most friends face is joy and tears.if somehow you have a fight with them,you feel like dont want to see them anymore.but when it comes to laughing,caring,entertaining,and happiness,you feel like dying if you lose on of,this is normal??and can we face it,and the answer is of course "yes".so,take a deep breath in your gut and get ready to solve it because.. "the conflict is complicated,but eventually the solutions are very simple".

Hug and kiss!!

"LOVE".that is the word that the community were talking about.they were all crazy about love.somehow this word bring a lot or happiness and misery to them.the question is can LOVE be really taste by everyone??