Saturday, January 22, 2011

Annoying things to do

first of all,this is what i would like to say.this is the things that i hate for such a long time.

1.Nyampah gile bile aku tngh penat2 explain something kat somebody then ade org potong ckap aku kononnye die lg bagos laa -.-'

2.Hate org yg kerek2,bajet howt,bajet comel dan laa yg seangkatan dengannya.

3.pantang gile klo aku tngh makan,org tu cite something yg bole buat ko loya.example : cite pasal binatang,bende2 yg x senonoh,etc -.-'

4.lagi satu,aku x ske bile aku dh kirim brg kat org tu,then waktu sekolah pade esok hari,die ckp "ya allah,seriously aku lupe doo.sori ehh" -.-'

5.aku x ske org yg ske bincang2 waktu exam.klo ko dh x tau jwb salah ko laa sape suro x yg bg jwpn kat org yg tnye pon same2 bodoh sbb x dpt fikir secara rasional.then,bile die dpt mrkh elok,die sindir2 org yg dpt mrkh rendah padehal x sedar die sindir diri sendiri sebenarnye.

p/s : klo nk terase lantak ko laa.IDC :)

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