Friday, January 21, 2011


yes,this two phrase keeps popping up in my mind.memang nmpk sngt i ni kaki online since perkataan tu i sebut everyday.So,I still cant manage my time properly and equally.slalu klo dh wat jadual mesti bnyk word "ONLINE".but thank god kat skola i concentrate during class.lebih2 lagi science.mmg sng nk fhm although cikgu tu aja mcm bas ekspres.lantak long faham sudah week nk mule chapter 4 dah,chapter yg paling menggelikan dan,rase nk hentak je buku tu kuat2.oh well,today is 22/1/11.LOTS OF homework yg belom dibereskan.

One of my homework is seni.nak kene lukis garisan grid ngan lebah apebende ntah.pastu kene wat something utk papan keyataan kat blkg klas.since im the AJK akademik, i laa yg kene wat paling bnyk.i've checked all the names from the class list.and i discover x ramai yg tulisan lawa.x smpai 15 org,yg terpilih tu,be proud sbb aku pilih bkn calang2 org tau >:P.hehehe

p/s : after a few minutes cari isi utk wat article for papan kenyataan,I SLEPT SOUNDLY in front
of the laptop until my mother wakes me up utk solat zohor. :\

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