Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Eid Raya

Sit and Read Patiently
since you guys already know the headline,im sure you can figure out what im going to tell.i will expand this headline.first of all,raya is on friday.i woke up and had some ketupat with some other dishes.then,i take a bath and get ready for raya prayer.after the prayer,i sat down to listen to the khutbah recite by the imam.its all about raya and about about an interesting topics :DD

Then,we return home after shaking hands with friends.we ate a little at home.then,my father gave to me and my siblings RM50.then,we take some photos as our reminiscing pleasure.
after that,my two big brother went to the village at Kepong,Kuala Lumpur.we went mother wanted to take a shower and change do my father.i wait with my sister patiently.then,we went to the village.I shake hands with my grandmother and the other family members as well :D.i receive a tremendous of money.i tripped on the was really humiliating and embarassing.all my cousins and relatives stared at me.then,i went to the dining room and eat just to cover my embarasement. =,=

I went to the friday prayer with my father on 12.50 in the afternoon at the mosque nearby.the khutbah is all about "what true happiness is".i thought is all about raya.we finished at 2 o'clock.i went to the village back.after a few hours at there,we went to see the other relatives.we went to our grandmother's siblings house.Unfortunately,there's a restaurant that been surrounded by fire.its really terrifying though.the smoke which is really thick leak to the atmosphere continuously.It happened near my grandmother's siblings house.I ate some ketupat with chicken rendand at her was really delicious.i watched television and playing with a cat with my is really has blue eyes and thick fur.after that,we went home.i received my money again. :D

after that,we went home.doing our own the second day of raya,i went to the other realtives house with my siblings all lazy.its was really crowded there.what a frustating day for me.but still,i received a lot of siblings didn't get any since they didn't came.serves them right.we stayed until dusk.I pray cousins play some fire-crackers.I ate noodles and mee-hun.then,we went home safely.

*sorry for the late updates. =,=
sincerely,saiful :)

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