Saturday, September 25, 2010

Open House at friend's :)

the best part of the day :D

today is super duper awesome!i went to my friends open house.i went at 3 o'clock.i reached raisha's house and yasmin's the one who took me in.its my first time steppin' to rai's was huge.when i arrived,there's afzan,hazim,melyaners and others as well.there're about to leave to eisqil's not even eat yet.thanks to namyn for understanding my feelings xDD.

i eat a little because they ask me to eat quickly.i ate nasi minyak with ayam masak merah and drinks some coke.after that,we hangout a while and went to eisqil's house.while we're walking,its raining.namyn and raisha still didnt make a move,so i went with wanie and pikah instead but i wait for rai and yasmin in front of the guardroom and we walked together.we arrived at eisqil's house with a wet shirt.yasmin was really funny back then since she used the fan-that can stand, to dry up her hair and rai took a picture of her butt funny.i ate a few cookies and drinks two glass of orange juice.after a few minutes,we leave because eisqil's boyfriend arrive.we dont want to interupt.
eisqil went to syukri's house do not sure tasya's with us or with eisqil that time.cant believe i forgot it.we move to syukri's place.i ate nasi lemak and seriously im explode because of the spicy but it still delicious.i borrowed zaim's dslr and took some pictures of my friends.wanie and pikah went to raisha's place with her before us.we stayed because eisqil and emylia still didn't arrived.while waiting,i took hazim's picture secretly..buck as well.sorry buck,i know you hate candid pictures xD

after waiting for a moment,eisqil and emylia arrived.they eat first.then,we went to raisha's house back to hangout.too bad farahin and hazim cant make it since they went home early.we went there with yasmin,eisqil,zaim,and the others.emy went to her friends house with tasya.while walking,yasmin ask me to took a few pictures of her.i became a paparazzi today xD.and the worst part was zaim,you really did such harrassment to really goint to strangle you but too bad he aim for the wrong spot.eisqil,yasmin and I went to rai's and we seperate with zaim's geng.i went in late and i took some romantic couple pictures.the name of the lovely are secret..hehehe,i had a short chat with ain and nadieya.after that,i went in.all of melyaners are consuming the bbq chicken.i think pikah ate the most.her plate has a lot of chicken bone.poor you chicken xDD

after eating,they took photos and just a moment the guys,i meant zaim's geng arrive.they eat while we're snatching pictures.i use zaim's dslr while pikah use eisqil's nikon.quite heavy though xD.we took pictures continously for an hour.i went for my asar prayer with zaim and his friends upstairs.zaim became the imam and while we're praying,the others disturbed us.but i didnt laugh.amir and syukri giggle a little,maybe.after that,we celebrated rai's birthday and the cake was really was secret recipe.dont know whether the cake is butterscoth or macadamia.i ate a slice because im filled ;D.

then,we took pictures again.the total pictures was 400 something..haha,thats a new record.and most of the pictures were yasmin's.hahah,after that,the boys went home.i pray maghrib alone at rai's house :(.at 8 o'clock,nynaa arrive and yasmin went bored because cant hear yasmin's 8.30,my mother fetch me up and went home safe and sound.
in a nutshell,i wrote a lot and most of it content are about taking pictures.its true though,all we're doing is chatting and take pictures.hahah xDD
bye then,
i will put some picture when my friends upload it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

folio is a nuisance

trying to get use to it
seriously i hate folio since primary school.its really getting in my way.the sejarah folio was quite difficult and compilcated.there are 5 themes and i have to do ALL OF IT!my friends all have the same thought as i my point does make sense.

i already start doing my folio but only a classmates all give a damn about it.they all so worried.i said to myself "dont let this thing destroy you".Do it calmly and slowly and the result will be rushing i mean.speaking of which,im done writing.
till next time,
saiful :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Exams is a typical one!

your brain has its hunger now
hey guys!!i cant tell much this time.exam is around the corner and im still didn't prepared very well.nevermind about that,the huge obstacle is the exam that we're going to sit pretty was from the PPD(pejabat pelajaran daerah)i guess.i heard from teachers that the questions are quite difficult and tough too.haha,PPD really is a killerbee. =,=
this moment
im studying and recap all the form 2 syllabus because all chapter will be included.this exam's going to be not really shock.well,its from PPD after all.hopefully i can pass and wish me luck you guys...bye.
your deepest gratitude,
saiful, :)
22th September 2010.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Its my dolly kingdom after all

Once Upon A Time.......

Great day went off just like that.of course,time passes i kept thinking about it,i should jod a little.well,i had a tremendous wonderful times with my buddies.i woke up at 9.00 a.m. and had my breakfast-nasi was great.i get ready and left home around 10 o'clock. :D

My mom send me at faiz's house.i visit him since he will be going back to his hostel.we talk about stuff and i ate bihun soup.i do take a slice of cake as my final course eventhough i'm fulled.then,faiz and I went to syafiq's house.after that,we walk around and visited some the end,when syahidah called me,we stop and chat at the playground.i called my mom to fetched me up and send me back in front of the Tudm school.syahidah already waited for me but she had a little misunderstanding.she thought she supposed to wait at ttdi school,but i said "fatin's not leaving in ttdi,you want us to walk to tudm from ttdi's school"..then she said "duhh,i dont even know that she lives in tudm"...hahaha,pfttt -,-.then,we walked to fatin's flat..kinda hot that time so i struggle a lot. x(

When we reached,atiqah was already there,so we start then.a few minutes after,hannah arrive.we complete our work.then,atiqah and hannah went to fatin's room to solat.I snatch some pictures while waiting them.i pray at home by the way.after that,we walked to the shop to photostat a few hand-out.Its really burning my skin.When we reached,i bought an ice cream,chocolate friends bought some refreshments and ice cream as well.then,we went to the stationery shop.after we finished,we walked to the school.we sit at the corridor while waiting for our parents to fetched us up.we wait an wait.atiqah bluetooth some songs from my phone while im snatching some pictures of them.a few minutes later,syahidah's brother(maybe),we said goodbye and she left.i ask my friends to wait for me,fatin's ice cream starting to melt since she bought for her mother and siblings.she walked home eventually 5 minutes before my mother arrive.after 20 minutes(approximate) of waiting i said goodbye to my friends.when i rached,my brother's friends already went,i went upstairs and turn on my laptop and the air-conditioner as well.

till next time,
saiful :)
*this thing happened on 19 september 2010.sorry for the late update :)

Happy Eid Raya

Sit and Read Patiently
since you guys already know the headline,im sure you can figure out what im going to tell.i will expand this headline.first of all,raya is on friday.i woke up and had some ketupat with some other dishes.then,i take a bath and get ready for raya prayer.after the prayer,i sat down to listen to the khutbah recite by the imam.its all about raya and about about an interesting topics :DD

Then,we return home after shaking hands with friends.we ate a little at home.then,my father gave to me and my siblings RM50.then,we take some photos as our reminiscing pleasure.
after that,my two big brother went to the village at Kepong,Kuala Lumpur.we went mother wanted to take a shower and change do my father.i wait with my sister patiently.then,we went to the village.I shake hands with my grandmother and the other family members as well :D.i receive a tremendous of money.i tripped on the was really humiliating and embarassing.all my cousins and relatives stared at me.then,i went to the dining room and eat just to cover my embarasement. =,=

I went to the friday prayer with my father on 12.50 in the afternoon at the mosque nearby.the khutbah is all about "what true happiness is".i thought is all about raya.we finished at 2 o'clock.i went to the village back.after a few hours at there,we went to see the other relatives.we went to our grandmother's siblings house.Unfortunately,there's a restaurant that been surrounded by fire.its really terrifying though.the smoke which is really thick leak to the atmosphere continuously.It happened near my grandmother's siblings house.I ate some ketupat with chicken rendand at her was really delicious.i watched television and playing with a cat with my is really has blue eyes and thick fur.after that,we went home.i received my money again. :D

after that,we went home.doing our own the second day of raya,i went to the other realtives house with my siblings all lazy.its was really crowded there.what a frustating day for me.but still,i received a lot of siblings didn't get any since they didn't came.serves them right.we stayed until dusk.I pray cousins play some fire-crackers.I ate noodles and mee-hun.then,we went home safely.

*sorry for the late updates. =,=
sincerely,saiful :)