Saturday, July 10, 2010


Yesterday,im extremely happy.i received a few prizes for Hari Anugerah Cemerlang.i really am grateful to received prizes such certificate and a trophy-square shape that glitters all the time.i'd like to give a million times thank you to the school department and from the PIBG's desk for giving a great shot to make that ceremony succeed as well as the teachers in charge.thanks to my super super amazing friends for acompanying me until the end of the ceremony.thank you to all parents for attending and giving cooperation during this event.

My friends and I had carved a tons of memories while waiting for the prize to be given.first,farah hidda,my old friend came to the school just now to claimed her prize and certificate.i was really happy to meet her again.thank you farah for,this is the worst part of all,me,pikah,and the others were called by the teachers in charge of the curriculum awards to be the representative of the following students that was absent.i really hate doing it because the teachers keep on calling us,then they say they already have enough students..then they call us again continuosly.pikah was really funny when she shook her head quietly when the teachers was calling for subitute position.i also did the same thing but using my black levis bag.while all that happens,izzah is missing.i really dont know what she's doing and eleena as usual,leaning herself at the chair-reading a novel while the principal was giving his speech.then,pikah,syahmie and i read izzah's 'lawak kampus'comic book-without permission but we didn't read till finish.poor jee,she just watched us with her gloomy face,full of envy towards us.after the prize giving ceremony had ended,i follow my parents straight to home.

Hence,when i heard my dad wanted to bring my family to McDonalds at giant,i extremely jump off with joy.i change my outfit with a high speed,knobbing the door and rushed to my perdana,red car.then we eat and eat till everyone fill up their grumbling stomach.while my mother and sister went shopping inside,i went to the MPH book store to look for some novels but it was really expensive.i gastured a few pages but i still didnt buy it.i'll pass that one and decided to look for some stationaries at Ameena BEE store after that.after that,what else?shut the door tightly at my room and switch on the laptop.before i end,i would to thank to all my friends for experiencing with me,this amazing journey. ;D

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